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Feelings : Community Message Boards
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catsmew catsmew
Wed, Nov 28, 2012 12:11
How much farther along in out goal setting and personal weight loss journeys would be if our feelings didn't enter into it so much? I say they have too much clout and influence over our everyday living and choice making. What if when feelings came calling we ignored them to do the logical thing , how much richer, slimmer and smarter would we be? I say it's time to kick feelings like guilt, shame and resent, to name a few, to the curb, they just slow us down like ball and chain! So what do you think?

llamapants llamapants
Wed, Nov 28, 2012 12:11
I think I would be farther behind in everthing I do if it wasn't for feelings. I set goals for the sole purpose of being proud (feeling) when I accomplish them. There are many times that I limit the amount my feelings have on decisions (mostly financial) but in the end you do have to live a little.

catsmew catsmew
Wed, Nov 28, 2012 20:11
Thank you for responding, good one!
As you proved we keep and use the good feelings, but we like you said tone down the over bearing and hindering ones, I did not mean to suggest we have a lobotomy approach but put feelings in there place, second place, until they serve us well, then first place.

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