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If I have gotten this far, so can you! : Community Message Boards
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carlp007 carlp007
Pensacola FL
Sun, Sep 26, 2010 00:09
If I have gotten this far, so can you!
I am new to this board. So, if I am not doing something correct, please let me know. I am 42 years old male living in Florida. I went to the emergency room on March 4, 2010 for breathing problems. I was diagnosed with a heart problem. I was also told that my weight had probably caused a lot of my health issues. I am 5'8" and at that time I weighed in at 397lbs.

I was released from the hospital a week later. During my week stay, I realized I needed to get control of my health or I would be back again and it may be worse. I started to evaluate my habits and routines: Eating, diet, exercise, sleeping, etc... I started doing research on all of these subjects on the web, and I started to look to make changes.

I started out slowly. I decided to cut out fried foods and fast foods. I started to exercise by walking 5 minutes a day or 5 minutes on a cheap stair stepper that I had bought from the thrift store. I also kept a log of everything I did: eating, drinking, and exercise. My next step I evaluated my eating habits and decided not to eat after 7 PM because I did not want to eat before I went to bed.

As time goes on I have refined my diet, increased my exercise, and started to set daily, weekly, monthly, and overall goals. Of course, I have not always reached my goals. I have not exercised everyday because my heart or medicines do not always cooperate. Through this process, I have learned that I must be patient. I can not loose all the weight in 1 day.

I started counting calories, sodium, and fat two months ago. I have learned that I was not eating enough and eating foods that were high in sodium which is bad for my heart. A week ago I started monitoring my protein intake and learned that I was not getting enough protein for muscle building. I now eat more of the foods that I need, and it has actually helped me in losing weight.

As of today, I am down to 243 lbs. I have lost 154 lbs. I have gone from a men’s pants size of 56 to 38. I have increased my exercise up to 1 hour 40 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of resistance exercise daily. I have a long way to go but I am getting closer everyday.

The reason I tell everyone a little of my back ground is to say that if I can do this with my obstacles, so can you. I am always asked how are you loosing all this weight. I came to these few answers:

1. You must decide that you want to get healthy
2. A healthy diet is very important.
3. Resistance training really needs to be done with exercise.
4. Set realistic goals and be patient there are no quick remedies.

If there is anyway that I can help, please feel free to ask. I probably have worked through your dilemma.

SheenaH SheenaH
Tue, Sep 28, 2010 16:09
You're Awesome!
That is a great success story. I hope to have success too, but I'm gonna take you up on your offer of questions...

How do you manage to stay on track and keep a social life? I've been doing alright for myself but my current problem is that my social life revolves around eating. Last night I got invited to go out for dinner with my group of friends and I did and I tried to order healthier foods but I know it wasn't good. Now tonight we all plan on going to the movies and it's the value day so we get free popcorn and drink with our I'm doomed.

It feels like I have to make a choice to either cut out my friends or cut out my health...any suggestions?


carlp007 carlp007
Pensacola FL
Wed, Sep 29, 2010 22:09
I hope this helps
Hi Sheena,

Good question. I don't eat out much. However, if I am out after 7PM, I usually have already eaten. So, when I am out I don't eat. I am usually full. If I do eat it may be fruit, vegetables or rice. Really low cal stuff and water. 7PM is just my cut off. There is no set time to stop eating, and I have really researched the question and the verdict is still out.

Popcorn is actually not that bad it is the topping that get you into trouble like the salt and butter. The salt make you thirsty which get you to drink the soft drink.

I have a lot of friends and offers for different events. I have trained them to the point that they know that I eating healthy and they are always telling me what is in the food that we eat or that they may have made. They understand that I may not eat everything that they have prepared or not order much when we are at a restaurant. I say the best way is to train your friend and they will actually help in the healthy diet.

Now a few times a week is not that bad. I mean if it was every meal every day it may be different. Just try to have a idea what the nutrient counts of the foods that you eat. If you do, you may not eat as big a portion or substitute it for something more healthy. Try baked, grilled, broiled over fried.

I hope this helps.

SheenaH SheenaH
Fri, Oct 1, 2010 15:10
That does help a lot actually. I know it's important not to eat 2-3 hours before you go to bed but I never really thought about that rule in helping me with going out. That just makes sense, I'll have to work on that...we usually eat around 7 or 7:30 and that's also around the time we go out too (usually for dinner). But if I have a cut off time then the problem is solved pretty much, I'll just drink water or have a light snack, if there is such a thing in restaurants.


cat90 cat90
Fri, Oct 1, 2010 16:10
Well Done!!
Congrats on your progress Carl!! that IS awesome as Sheena said.
I too watch cals, fat and sodium. Its amazing how much sodium is added to processed foods (yikes). I don't have a cut off time for eating though and it is not having a detrimental effect on my losing. I think calories in vs calories out. It doesn't matter when you have them as long as you are expending more than you are eating. I agree it is hard to get the required amount of protein in. I was astonished when I looked at what I eat in a day it mostly consists of starches and sugar!! I've started having a protein shake in the mornings at work but that isn't helping much. I am a very picky eater :( apart from pork and beef and a bit of chicken occcasionally I don't like many protein sources. Where are you getting your protein from? Thanks, Cat.

carlp007 carlp007
Pensacola FL
Sat, Oct 2, 2010 21:10
Protien intake.
Thanks Cat. I did a lot of research and learned that I need to take in about 65 to 110 grams of protein a day. I try to say in the upper end near the 110 grams because I lift weights 6 days a week. I usually eat my protein at dinner so it is available when I sleep. I really don't know if eating it for the last meal really makes a difference. I base it on our muscles rebuilding while we sleep.

I usually get my protein from fish, chicken, pork, yogurt, cottage cheese, tuna, turkey and every once in a while steak.

glademan glademan
Thu, Oct 14, 2010 09:10
You all sound like you are doing great.
I have been on the board one week and have lost 12 pounds.

SheenaH, just because they have a special on Popcorn at the movies doesn't mean that you have to have it. I take my Grandson to the movies and I try to limit him to a popcorn (no toppings) and a sprite. I eat before we go so that I won't be tempted. Does it work? NO. I am tempted but I know that I have to come back here and weigh in and that is more important to me than having a large bag of salted popcorn.

Halloween is coming and my wife bought a large bag of candy to hand out to the kids. I walk into the kitchen and there it is. Just staring at me. "Come here and eat me" it says to me. I would love to.

BUT, instead I am looking for new meals to make for myself and my family. I am posting them on the board as I eat them.

Carl, you are amazing. I am also in Florida. I am a tour guide in Miami and the Everglades. I am feeling better and fitter.

carlp007 carlp007
Pensacola FL
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 18:10
Thanks glademan,

Congratulations on the 12 pounds. That is a lot of weight in a week. Good luck avoiding the candy.

carlp007 carlp007
Pensacola FL
Tue, Oct 26, 2010 20:10
 Rating: 4.0/5.0
Its been a month
Well its been a month since my first post. I am at 224 lbs. I have lost 19 lbs for the month which is a little high but I am glad I lost it. This puts my total lost to 173 lbs. I still have a long way to go but I will get there.

SpasticRams SpasticRams
Tue, Oct 26, 2010 22:10
So I am starting thursday! I know you ask why not tonight or wednesday, but I have a party to go to wednesday and I KNOW that I will not be able to stay away from all the sweet, and I dont want to get defeted right at the start. I really dont know what I weigh, my scales stop after 380 so I think that I am 400+ I am 29yrs and I am afraid to die, so please Im asking for everyones support.

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