Mindless Statements and Chatter

45 M , Bethlehem ,PA

February 16, 2011

Lean Protein Cheats

Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 10:04 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
Anyone out there got any good and easy ways to maintain lean protein intake.  I have to quit relying on the protein bars and shakes.  Seems I just run out of time to make healthy food during the week and hence resort to Bars and Shakes as meal replacements.  That is fine on occassion, but really need to make it a consistant effort to get other sources of lean proteins.  Anyone know of any good shelf sources that aren't loaded with sodium and preservatives?  With two...
1 Comment (add)
Last comment by ticotease on 2/18/2011 2:19 PM

February 2, 2011

Oy Vay!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011 at 10:31 AM filed under General postings
What a rough start to the New Year!!!

Outside of the absolutely crappy weather here in the PA/NJ area, went through 3 weeks of struggling to stay consistent with the workouts after the holiday season.  Worked so hard to get from 247 to 182, can't let it fail now.  Suspect I am not the only one who has that issue though. 

On a side note, may I not recommend driving 70+ miles one way to work.  What is it with the drivers out here on the ...
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