motivation needed

64 F

July 15, 2011


Friday, July 15, 2011 at 7:07 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
Now I know why I couldnt lose weight. I would blow it 2 to 3 days a week with white zinfadel. I had no idea it has soooo many calories. We went out for crabs last night with friends and I had 2 glasses and I went over my dinner calories because of it. No worries it will help me to remember to choose something else.   Moving on.
1 Comment (add)
Last comment by joyohboy on 7/15/2011 8:27 AM

July 7, 2011

New to blogging

Thursday, July 7, 2011 at 9:41 AM filed under General postings
I've decided to blog in blue because that's the way I'm feeling about diet, exercise and my body.
I need to get motivated, I need to cut back on my portions and control my cravings.  I've never been in such a hurry to get started but for some reason I can't! I think sometimes I tell myself I work hard and deserve a sweet or another glass of wine. I am going to start turning that sentence to "I deserve to have a strong body and self control". &n
1 Comment (add) | Tags: new to blogging
Last comment by Shadowkitty on 7/16/2011 11:13 PM
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