Change is a comin...

55 F

February 14, 2011

1 week down!

Monday, February 14, 2011 at 6:45 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
Well, I made it through 1 week! AMAZING! I lost 6.5 lbs my 1st week. I was so happy that I managed to stay on track with my eating. Exercising is never a problem. I run, am a marathoner and triathlete... a fat, slow one, but am none the less! My eating was what is ruining me! So, now I am so happy to have this under control! I am feeling stronger than ever and am going to keep moving forward to get to my goal weight! 53.5 lbs to go!

February 10, 2011

3rd day

Thursday, February 10, 2011 at 11:23 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
This is always the hard part of any plan. If you can get past the 3rd day, you are home free.. I am loving the new way of eating and I feel so much better already!
1 Comment (add)
Last comment by jm2011 on 2/10/2011 11:46 AM

February 8, 2011

A new me...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 12:33 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
I am starting a new day and a new me! I am tired of overeating and crying about it. I want to be the person I know I am inside! I need to get a hold on my eating, and today is the day. I am a runner, marathoner, and triathlete...yet no one would ever take me seriously because I am 60 lbs overweight. Imagine how good I could be if I just got my eating under control! Let's do this! I am going to do this!
1 Comment (add) | Tags: a new day
Last comment by mnmismyname on 2/8/2011 8:08 PM
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