
56 F

April 3, 2011

Walking Playlist

Sunday, April 3, 2011 at 2:07 PM filed under Exercise & Fitness postings
Does anyone have a good 1 hour walking playlist that keeps them moving and motivated?

March 19, 2011

Getting Started

Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 11:24 AM filed under General postings
I am a busy 42 year old mom of 4. I have been married to my wonderful husband for almost 17 years. I have learned to put everyone else's priorities first in my life and have slowly gained a lot of weight with each year. I have decided that I need to get myself healthy to take care of my wonderful husband and kids so I am on the track. I have just started with FitClick but really hope to make this a life syle change and get myself where I need to be so that I can be healthy and happy!
2 Comments (add)
Last comment by linmanere on 3/19/2011 1:13 PM
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