Busch Gardens
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 12:27 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
If you've never been to Busch Gardens down in southern VA it's a pretty fun place. Both of my kids are young (less than 4), but they had a great time at the park. BG recently added a "Sesame Street" area for kids with a great water feature and rides for kids so it was great fun for everyone (and I'm generally not a fan of amusement parks -- don't like rides).
HOWEVER, if you're trying to drive south from the DC area on a Friday in the summer you're in for a back-breaking experience. We assumed that we wouldn't have an issue with traffic if we left around 1pm -- we were very, very wrong. Route 95 south was a parking lot, turning a 2.5 hour ride into a 4.5 hour ride -- not fun. The trip basically turned by back into a pretzel, as stopping for a rest is problematic when you're trying to get 2 little kids to sleep in the car. Hopefully my fitclick.com workout plan will get me back into alignment at least a little bit today.
My diet failures continued as well, as extra servings of beef tenderloin and Newcastle Brown Ale are unavoidable when on vacation. But that's part of the reason why i like tracking my diet online so much as it forces me to really be cognizant of what i eat M-Th as i know that the summer weekends are going to be free-for-alls.