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No More Lost Time

Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 1:42 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
Okay, so my week started out wierd.  If the church hadn't sent all those pies home with us, I wouldn't have had a problem.....right?!?!  So the church DID send home many wonderful pieces of pie home with us, it was all downhill after the luncheon.  A blessing, but nevertheless a test--one I failed at miserably.  And, so for two days, I kept eating some pie here, some there, and I have no idea how many calories I consumed....suffice to say, I earned my way back to my starting weight 225.  Well, I got back on the wagon, and still am struggling with just getting motivated enough to withstand distraction.  This morning I weighed in at 223, and I went to the Y to begin my journey back to my love of working out.  Funny, it was this time of the year last year when I let myself get distracted by kids home on Thanksgiving break--and I never went back to it full steam. Now I get a chance to do it over...

I have kept off the majority of the weight I lost last year, but mourn for the lost time once again.  Here I am a year down the road, and in the same spot.  No condemnation, just truth.  This week as I attempt to work out every day I can, I want my mantra to be--No More Lost Time.  Working out is one way I can get time back--by years added onto my life, as well as good health for the days I am given.  Go Me!

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