My butt has officially been kicked!
Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 8:18 AM filed under General postings
I have been doing Leslie Sansone's 4 mile video and get nice and sweaty. Now I have purchased Gin Miller's Interval Step video hoping to get my butt kicked. Well, it has!! My knees can't tolerate all of her jumping around but even with eliminating all the "Jumps" it's still a butt kicker!! Loved it!! Great moves and it's FUN!! Since I've never done STEP before its taking me a long time to get the moves down. For some reason, some of the simplest moves make me feel like a klutz! But that's ok. I'm in the privacy of my own home and I can rewind ALL I WANT..... lol After about 2.5 hours of rewinding and replaying I was finally able to get thru the whole dvd without stopping! Yeah for me!! Today? Wow, can I feel it!!! So now I can say my BUTT HAS OFFICIALLY BEEN KICKED!!!