Over doing it.......
Saturday, April 3, 2010 at 6:15 PM filed under Exercise & Fitness postings
Thank you FitClick for the articles that you provide!!! They are so informative and have confirmed something I had been wondering about. I have noticed that I have been really really tired lately. It's getting harder and harder for me to do my workout. I was taking 1 day off but they have been few and far between and I began to wonder if I was working out TOO much. Well, I read the article about working out too much and by george, there were all my symptoms!! My poor muscles have been worked so much with no rest. Wow did that make sense. I had noticed that I was not only having a hard time getting through my exercises but afterwards, I wanted to go to bed!!! Duh...... Exercise is suppose to rejuvenate you and make you feel energized not put you to sleep. Well, all the warning signs were there but I was just ignoring them. I sorta feel "obsessed" about working out at this point, thinking that if I don't exercise on any given day, everything I eat on that day will turn into a gain. Again, this weight loss journey has turned into a learning experience for me. I've been using FitClick since Jan 23 2010 and have lost 17 pounds to date. In that length of time I have learned so much that by the time I get to my goal, I won't have to think about what I'm doing or how to do it. The art of maintaining will be as natural as taking my next breath.