Fatty McFatty

68 F

Yup, still at it, can't believe it

Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 11:45 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
Well, well, well.  Who knew I could make it through 12 days.  I've only gone over my target calories one day, but a small amount, but cumulatively I am way under.  Imagine.  That's the good news.  The bad news is that I'm not going about this in healthy way.  I'm just not eating...cool, because i've never been able to do it before.  I always kept a healthy weight (whenever that was haha) by exercise, activities and sports.  So, I love this feeling of control.  It's a rush I've never felt before.  It's also terrifying because I live in fear every minute I'll crack.  But for now, enjoying the feeling of fitting into some old jeans, and yes, losing weight gives energy.  I notice the difference now.  Stay tuned gang, and please keep the faith.  You know what?  We can do this.  It's our time.

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