Fatty McFatty

68 F

July 24, 2012

Still at it!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at 10:03 AM filed under Weight Loss postings

OK, so I don't come here much and don't post, and a lot has happened since I joined this site 2 years ago, including a bad motorcycle accident less than a year ofter breaking my spine in a horseback riding accident.  BUT!

I'm still focused on health and losing weight.  This Jan ended up 10 lbs higher than when I joined FitClick.  Now, as of today, I've lost 30 lbs from that high of 240 and my original weight here of 230.  Maybe it's only .


November 10, 2010

Back on the Tracking Wagon

Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 12:12 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
Hello from your absent McFatty!  After getting cocky and thinking I could keep going without using my FitClick tools diligently every day, I learned my lesson.  Maybe in the future but not yet.  I gained back some hard fought for losses and fell into unhealthy eating. So, I'm back to noting everything that passes the lips and paying attention to exercise.  Never easy, but always worth it.

August 21, 2010

Ladies & Gentlemen Start Your Engines

Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 11:53 AM filed under Weight Loss postings
Been awhile since time to write...crazy busy at work and crazy stressed, plus got sick with kidney stones for 4 days.  But the diet survived believe it or not.  Haven't lost anything for several days, but not gaining either.  Slipped and ate more than planned on a couple days, but not a real binge at all -- not over the even mark!

I've been slowly adding cardio work outs and now it's time to really pick up the pace. I'm back taking care of the horses and hiking the ...

August 5, 2010

Yup, still at it, can't believe it

Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 8:45 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
Well, well, well.  Who knew I could make it through 12 days.  I've only gone over my target calories one day, but a small amount, but cumulatively I am way under.  Imagine.  That's the good news.  The bad news is that I'm not going about this in healthy way.  I'm just not eating...cool, because i've never been able to do it before.  I always kept a healthy weight (whenever that was haha) by exercise, activities and sports.  So, I love this feeling of contr...

July 29, 2010

No Dive at Five

Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 9:32 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
Yup, almost over with day 5 and still surprisingly at it.  Hmmmm, REALLY trying not to get my hopes up.  What's the difference this time?  I need to understand that or this is unlikely to continue.

Also, since I've sworn myself to honesty, I am not going about this right at all.  I haven't started exercising yet (usually my favorite way to fight weight, and so healthy), and I'm not eating enough calories believe it or not!  I'm eating under 1,000 a da...
1 Comment (add) | Tags: 100 lbs, atty, fatty mcfatty, first week
Last comment by Pillsbury on 8/5/2010 6:23 PM

July 28, 2010

And then there were four

Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 9:50 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
That's right. Four days of starving. Four days of eating in my imagination instead of for real.  And four days of writing everything down even my feelings (ick).  On the upside, some things have made it easier - swamped at work, skinny husband away so I don't have to watch him eat tasty food, and a little boost than comes from dropping those first couple easy lbs.  But I have a feeling it gets harder, mentally and physically. Not encouraging.

However, I am...
1 Comment (add) | Tags: 100 lbs, faith, fatty, fatty mcfatty, first week
Last comment by jazzbird on 7/28/2010 10:57 PM

July 27, 2010

3 days, imagine that

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 at 7:49 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
Well, well, well.  Three days.  I am trying not to get my hopes up i can do this thing.  Only 98 lbs to go haha.  Actually not eating enough and also eating the wrong food.  However, thinking that just getting to the point where I'm not focused 24/7 on feeding my fat face is the start, then can focus on nutrition.

Traveling for work tomorrow for 3 days.  A real test of will.  Let's see if this Fatty McFatty can keep it together even on the road a...
2 Comments (add) | Tags: faith, fatty mcfatty
Last comment by LoveFillies on 7/28/2010 5:02 PM

July 26, 2010

2 Days, Hah!

Monday, July 26, 2010 at 9:44 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
Day 2.  Still trying.  The Intervention I watched on an anorexic girl helped.  She was really gorgeous.  I know bad.  But whatever it takes...don't want to be fat anymore.  Once a Fatty McFatty, always a fatty mcfatty.  But maybe someday only a Fatty McFatty on the inside.
2 Comments (add)
Last comment by LoveFillies on 7/27/2010 6:42 PM

July 25, 2010

Here we go

Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 3:10 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
Yup, after swearing off ever caring or trying again, here I am.  230 lbs, 100 lbs. to go.  Bad knees, ankles, feet and shoulders. Incredible work stress. Pre-diabetes. Recovering from broken back. And 53 y.o. Not even sure how to proceed...but here I am. 

If there are any other McFatties out there with similar challenges, especially some of you who are more that 25% on the way, would love to see your replies.  Don't want to hear from "baby weight" peo...
1 Comment (add)
Last comment by journey42 on 7/30/2010 10:34 PM
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