The Journey

34 F


Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 4:42 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
Starting a weight loss program. It may not be the healthiest in the world, but I know my body type so this is all I can do. A little background history: My mother's side of my family have had major issues with obesity. My father's side is the same, so I got the low metabolism, lose lose gene. Growing up I was called butterball and all kinds of fat kid joke names. When I was a teen, the highest in weight I have ever reached was 180, but living in a small city were the fattest chick weighed 150, I was considered obese, yet my with my body shape you could never tell. So, out of insecurities and self-conscience, plus I had help to lose the weight, my family I was living with at the time was starving me, so I easily lost 40 lbs. in 3 months. Now I have a better approach, no more than 1000 calories/day, so hopefully I can drop this post-pregnancy weight, after having 2 babies in 2 years. I have to fit and look decent in a bathing suit by June. If God is willing I will be able to lose up to 60 lbs. in 6 months. Adding excessive exercising, only if I can work around my two babies. So my plan is to start waking up around 5 am to start my workout routine and my blogging and keeping every day updated, even when I skip a few workouts. Plan: Prayer, Exercise, Blogging, Workout 6 days a week and Rest on Sabbath Day (Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown).

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