Week 1
Thursday, December 30, 2010 at 12:40 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
I'm only four days into my New Me routine. I am finding cutting back of foods difficult. I want to control my portion sizes but I still feel hungry after I have eaten. I rarely feel full. I have tried to start doing pilates each day, but I'm discouraged today because I am getting sore and cannot do the activity like I once did (years ago when I bought the DVD.) I know this will get easier, but I have to get through the hard part first. This will always be hard, but once I start to see results, I know I will be more motivated to continue.
I watched a few tv shows last night about being addicted to food. I think this is me! If I see food, I feel hungry. If I pass a fast food resturant, I feel hungry. I crave sweets, salt, grease and spicy. How do I get a control over these cravings?
Today is the first warm day in weeks. I am going to take a walk before dinner and hopefully work up a healthy sweat. I know I can do this, I just wish it were easier.