Day 4 HCG/ DAY 2 and 3 Insanity by Shaun T
Sunday, January 2, 2011 at 9:36 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
I didn't take the HCG like I was supposed to this day, I took it once 10 drops, but I forgot the rest of the day, because my kids had me running around the house. So, by the end of the day I had to do my nightly cleaning after my hurricane children. I was exhausted so I took the drops that I missed back to back. I was drowsy, but instantly I felt this artificial awakening feeling, similar to caffine. I was a my hunger peak, since I am counting my calories and I don't eat after 8 pm unless I worked out, then I have to replenish my strength. It still gave me the artficial "full" feeling, even after my stomach growled, so I drank much water to take the growling away. I can't tell you if it's the HCG, dieting, or exercising. I have lost 6lbs. in 4 days. I have tried to stay under 1500 calories/day. Since I am exercising I need my calories.
DAY 1 Insanity
I did the Fit Test 1 and I did a pretty good job, I am not good at the push-up moves, but the rest was okay. A few months before Insanity I was doing Leslie Walk at Home, to get in shape. I the did Hip Hop Abs the cardio one, to get in better shape. Then I did Taebo and learned how to punch and kick better, which is good for a lot of cardio workouts. So being in some kind of shape before starting Insanity is best. Even if you start out with light to moderate workouts, like I did. Plus I quit smoking and drinking, smoking made it real hard to workout and breath, and drinking made my body sluggish to where I didn't want to workout. The Plyometric Cardio Circuit was very challenging, but fun!
DAY2 Insanity
The Cardio and Resistance was very challenging. Half way through I wanted to quit, to give up! But like Shaun T says, PUSH! Instead of sitting on the floor for breaks, I found that doing so discourages you from wanting to get up and continue working out. Try standing while moving during breaks and/or sitting in a chair so there is less effort to stand. Wonderful results, I already have been dropping inches like crazy! Only Day 2 and I see results, if you push your self and KEEP MOVING, even if a workout gets impossible to complete, the jog in place or do side steps, plus use a heart rate tracker to keep your heart rate at the fat burning-cardio level so you don't over work yourself to no avail.