So far so good....

51 F


Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 6:39 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
So I thought maybe last week when I had only lost .2 pounds that I might be plateauing I tweaked my calories by 20. I just dropped it down 20 less..not much, but it seemed to have helped. I am officially down 9.8 pounds in 35 days. Almost at the 10 pound lost mark.. Yes that's a great amount and yes I should be proud and of course yes I want it to be more..but baby steps. I had a couple of bad days, didn't really eat badly, just too much, but oddly enough didn't go over my alloted calories.

I also kicked my workouts up a notch. Added some core strength training in and doing intervals at the walking track. Run for 30 seconds, walk for 1 minute. I think I can run longer but I am working out with my sister in law and she isn't quite there yet, but its still a good workout. I lost a little motivation yesterday b/c I really wasn't feeling well and am still not feeling well, but I will try to at least do some walking on the treadmill tonight. I feel better when I workout and feel guilty when I don't. They say it takes 30 days to build a good habit..its day 35 of my good now I am aiming for another 30 days of a good habit. I want it to be so second nature to me that I don't even think about it. I am glad I have had some good results, it must be frustrating as heck for people who aren't losing anything even when they think they are doing all the right stuff.

For now I am taking it one day at a time, if I fall off the wagon a little, I don't take it as an oh s*$& may as well quit moment and eat the WHOLE cake, which I might have done in the past, now I just get up, brush myself off and get on moving.
I can't wait though until I am in the maintenace mode of it, it would mean I have met my target and can now fit some fun clothes  and that I might not be afraid to wear a bathingsuit.

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