My Diet Roller Coaster

49 F

How it started

Saturday, April 2, 2011 at 12:12 PM filed under General postings
How does anyone "start" gaining weight? It is widely different for everyone because everyone is widely different. For me it was genetics, purley genetics and nothing else. Yeah right and if I really believed that I would also believe the Easter Bunny is dying eggs as we speak. No for me it was a strong and powerful addiction to food as a replacement for .. well everything in my life. If I was happy I celebrated by eating a big plate of mexican food smothered in cheese with a side of fat. If I was sad I cried while I ate my sadness away with Ben and somethimes Jerry too. If I was angry I took it out on a double bacon cheeseburger smothered in ranch and fries instead of confronting what made me angry. And so on and so forth. I'm not only an emotional eater i'm an all around, food loving, why not i'm bored, it was just sitting there calling my name, I don't want it to go to waste, everyone else is doing it eater. I have been know to blame my love of cooking and baking to part of it, I mean you can't serve something that has not been tasted right? Yeah well 15 test tries later becomes oh why not just eat a whole serving of it now. The problem with that is I CAN cook healthy and make it taste great too, I just don't want the butter to feel left out and abandoned in the cold fridge. Really though, it started out from just one extra piece of pizza just this one time and grew to a whole medium pizza. From one scoop of ice cream to one whole pint. From just one Ding Dong to one box in a day. Stress, sadness, depression, changes in life, growing older, and growing bigger or even just having a good day, whatever the reason one minute I was a size 8 and 8 years later I was a size 24. And that is how it started.

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