My Diet Roller Coaster

49 F

April 12, 2011

This roller coaster is making me sick

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 4:12 PM filed under General postings

I wish I could stop this roller coaster and get off! The up and down yo-yo that is my "dieting" life is annoying. I try not to say I am on a diet anymore, just eating better and getting into shape. At one point in my life I weighed in at just over 300lbs. It wasn't until I saw a picture of myself standing next to my always thin and in shape brother and sister that I even realized how big I was. I had always just made excuses about why I had to


April 2, 2011

How it started

Saturday, April 2, 2011 at 12:12 PM filed under General postings
How does anyone "start" gaining weight? It is widely different for everyone because everyone is widely different. For me it was genetics, purley genetics and nothing else. Yeah right and if I really believed that I would also believe the Easter Bunny is dying eggs as we speak. No for me it was a strong and powerful addiction to food as a replacement for .. well everything in my life. If I was happy I celebrated by eating a big plate of mexican food smothered in cheese with a side of fa...
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