Beautifulebony - Day 1

48 F

Where did 40 days go?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 6:20 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
Ok fell off the wagon.  40 days since I last logged in.  I am sure if I stuck with it I would have lost a further 7lb plus.  But hey, I am back.  2lb heavier due to the lack of effort, but could have been a hell of a lot worse.

Have been up and down emotionally in the last month, hence my lack of focus.  I guess today I feel like, who am I hurting but myself if I don't stick with this.

Furthermore, I have always felt that I am quite confident with the way that I look in general and I guess in a way this has made me lazy.  But for the first time in a long time I went out with the girls and felt really fat, actually not fat, uncomfortably fat and not sexy at all. Not only that, I look in the mirror and not only look fat, but look older...not good.

35 this October and would be nice to wear a LBD without a shawl or cardie.

Oh and Dad is getting re married next year in Jamaica, so lets see if I can wear something gorgeous and pack a bikini for the holiday.

Exercise is my saviour and when i'm on it my body looks great, so today a pledge to self to get back on track with my exercise routine and start eating properly.

Need to love me again.

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