First day
Monday, May 23, 2011 at 9:29 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
Yesterday I took about an hour and went to the high school track and made up a routine. It is as follows: walk 2 laps at a brisk pace, 3rd lap walk backwards the whole lap. Laps 4 & 5 are walking forward briskly, lap 6 is backwards again. Lap 7 walk forward briskly, jog lap 8 , walk lap 9, jog lap 10, walk lap 11, jog lap 12, walk lap 13, jog lap 14, walk lap 15. By the time I was done I was covered in sweat and felt great. I didn't have that can barely walk feeling back to my car. The walking backwards worked out a whole new muscle group in my legs and I feel like this routine will work for me in losing enough weight to get started then I can progress to a workout that is more challenging. Can't wait to workout today!