Stalled by the weekend!
Saturday, June 4, 2011 at 11:47 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
Been doing great with my diet and workout everyday. Lost another lb which made my day! Kindof stalled by the weekend, we (hubby and I) did our strength workout but he wrenched his back and so we didn't get to do the cardio. :( Thinking I might do the tv routine this evening to make up for it. Since Sunday is our "day off" from excersize I'd have gone 2 days without the cardio by the time I can go again and I am just sure I'd be back to 2.5 on the treadmill! I hate moving backwards lol!
Been studying a lot about proteins I'm still not entirely sure about this whole thing with lower carbs. I have to eat a ton of veggies everyday to reach my nutritional goals in the calories alloted, but I never get anywhere near the higher protein goals the low carb diet set for me. :P At this rate I'd have to add in calories which I don't particularly want to do. I read somewhere that some diets say you don't have to count veggies or fruit against calories, that would help a LOT! Guess I should look into that.