Weightloss Fun

42 F

day 2

Tuesday, July 5, 2011 at 5:02 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
Weightloss and fun? Sounds like an oxymoron, right? Well, I'm going to try to stay as positive and happy as possible about it. I weigh more now than I ever have, which is what it is. I'm not going to let that make me sad. I'm just going to start exercising 30 minutes a day and see if I can lose some weight. And maybe have some fun with it too.

Yesterday was fun. That was my first day. I did some jogging in place for 15min, basketball drills for 10min and then some modified pushups for 5.

For day 2 I'm going to try a Jillian Michael's workout DVD. I also did a little yoga this morning, but mostly for meditative purposes.

I'm currently 6ft tall and 240lbs. I'd like to lose 70lbs. Hopefully the exersize for 30minutes per day, drinking more water and cooking at home will be a non complicated and fun way to get me back into shape!

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