Weightloss Fun

42 F


Wednesday, July 6, 2011 at 5:00 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
So the Jillian Micheal's workout tape was excellent. Given how hot it is outside the workout video seems to be the best idea. I rearranged my living room this past weekend, so I have more room for exercise and meditation. After my workout I did about 30minutes of sitting meditation. I think that this helps the whole process because it is just part of my health (albeit spiritual health). I think all aspects of health are connected, so it's good to take care of all of them since I can make the time.

I did some yoga this morning via a beginner's yoga youtube video and I could really feel the burn in my muscles. Feels like progress! I am going to meditate for about 30minutes this morning and then go for a 30minute walk before work. This afternoon after work I have Sangha (which is somewhat like church for Buddhists) which will take up most of my evening. But my yoga and walking this morning should be enough for the day and tomorrow it's back to Jillian Michaels.

I am so proud of myself for getting all of this exercise in and I can already feel some results!  

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