Weightloss Fun

42 F

Week One

Sunday, July 10, 2011 at 4:24 PM filed under Exercise & Fitness postings
On Saturday I played basketball for an hour. That was fun even though I played alone. I just like being out and shooting and doing a few drills. However, I wasn't able to do to many drills given how out of shape I am! I didn't really realize it until I was doing things that I could normally do with ease. I also slipped when running after the ball and I have a huge bruise that goes from the middle of my shin and does a c curve around to my knee. It is very swollen and painful but nothing I can't handle.

Today I went fishing for two hours and while that is not my idea of vigorous exercise by any means, I really love it! Besides that, this is my day of rest because we all need one of those. My goal is to get 30+ minutes of exercise 6 days a week and my first week was a real success! I feel better already and proud of myself if nothing else for doing it! 

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