Weightloss Fun

42 F

Day 12

Friday, July 15, 2011 at 12:34 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
I weighed myself yesterday and it looks like I haven't lost any weight since last week. I'm not too let down by that though, because I feel a lot better already. I can tell that I have more energy and I'm happier with just twelve days of exercise. This may be moslty because I'm giving myself kudos for doing it at all. I'm not really concerned with rapid weightloss, I think the weight will come off eventually if I stay active.

I walked to and from work yesterday for my daily exercise. It was 2.5 miles each way. Luckily it wasn't too hot out, so it made for a nice walk. It didn't take me very long either. I did go out to eat for Mexican last night, which I am regretting now because I'm so dehydrated. I think that stuff is packed with sodium. I think that I should only eat out once per week or less because since I haven't been doing that recently, I can tell a difference in the way it makes me feel. Fresh food is just better. Less sodium= less likely to make me feel yuck.
1 Comment (add)
Last comment by DinarDiva on 4/11/2012 10:03 PM

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