Trying again

44 F

Here we go again

Saturday, January 7, 2012 at 1:06 PM filed under Weight Loss postings
I first realized that I had a weight problem in the seventh grade when I had to lay on my bed to make my pants zip up.  After that I became slightly aware of my body's need to be maintained.

Then I started having babies.  My first little bundle came just before my 22nd birthday and six month before my 30th my final baby was born.  I have five in all.  My husband and I said that's enough and had the surgon take care of things for us. 

Now I am here 30 years old, over weight and starting a whole new chapter in life.  I finally made it to college starting last semester, I am no longer a baby machine, and I would like my fresh start to include a healthy body and life style.  Before my fifth child was born I had lost 40 pounds.  Now I have gained about 35 of those back. we go again.

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