New beginning

39 F

Happy hump day/leap year!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 10:34 AM filed under Weight Loss postings

Hello world,
    Happy leap year.  I have sooo much to do today but I couldn't seem to get my day started without reporting on last night's workout.  
    Well, there was no workout last night, at least not physically. But emotionally it was a well needed, cathartic, rewarding experience with my boyfriend.  I really do have such a blessing in my life and I don't want to spend any second of any day taking it for granted.  I feel like I have met what is going to be the love of my life.  Although the L word hasn't been mentioned, and may not be for some time, his actions speak volumes. He loves me with a whole heart and I just want to be a better person for him. I want to be the rewarding individual I can be that will nurture and celebrate his successes and encourage him through failures. I want my loyalty to shine through in the darkest of hours and for my love to be a beacon at all times, showing him the way home.  I want to show him God's love through my own actions and encourage him to seek God because of my own happiness.  I want the twinkle in my eye to never diminish and for him to always understand that it's for him, but because of God. 
    I want to be the equestrian God meant me to be, the perseverant, enduring, un-fearing type that mounts seamlessly, that rides with flaws but recognizes them and corrects them.  The mother that He instilled great compassion in, who sacrifices cheeseburgers for the sake of her child's well-being, who sacrifices sleep and comfort for the opportunity to gain more time with such a blessing.  My desires are finally one with His, and I know now that I can succeed.
    It brings tears to my eyes to finally comprehend the blessings in my life but moreso because I finally understand the power that moves me to move mountains.  These are NOT my plans but they are God's plans. He has shown me the way and I am just so, so, so thankful that His desires for my life just happen to coincide with mine.  I know that I am unstoppable because of great faith and because God has spoken to me with words of great encouragement.  He will part waters for me in order to make our desires realities, He will move mountains that I may pass through the valleys unscathed.  He will protect me from my enemies and though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death... I will fear no evil... for God is with me. 

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