Getting back to biz
Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 7:29 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
FBG to get that number down again. I wan't to be in the 70's or 80's on a fast. I have been eating cereal for dinner this past weekend and week. My hub is getting high readings in the morning, he has been walking every morning out in the dark about 5am daily. I can't muster the energy at that hour. Eating a relatively light dinner is better for us, but I am wondering if we shouldn't have just some egg whites instead. The carbs may be having ill effects on the blood sugar. We have been sleeping well, having little or no digestive issues. Most nights we would both have gastro distress from all the veggies and beans we were eating. Now we try to ingest them in the daytime so we have time to pass the "gas" and not have to wake up at night to go to the bathroom. I guess it is a trade off-