Here I go again...

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December 24, 2012

I will be fine for Christmas

Monday, December 24, 2012 at 7:07 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

bg 99 up 10 pnts. That's okay. I am embracing the abundance of the holidays. I will be on plan, so what if I blow my carbs a little. Life goes on. It won't make me quit my plan, or my lifestyle change. I will not ever revert. I may be stuggling for a bigger weight loss, at times I realize I need to watch the intake of sugar more, and up the exercise, but this Christmas, I am not micromanaging it this year. this year I am just thankful for a roof over my head, food in my fridge, the

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Last comment by catsmew on 12/25/2012 3:38 PM

December 23, 2012

Keeping the carbs in check!

Sunday, December 23, 2012 at 8:35 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

FBG 88 this morning. WOW I am darn happy with that reading. I had a fair share of carbs yesterday, but lots of activity and fiber helped. Not eating too late, esp, when having starch, or cereal, etc. I try not to eat too much carbs at my last meal, this helps with the glucose. I am so happy my readings are within healthy range. I may still be considered "pre diabetic" as I have had readings around 104-109. The Dr. told me as my blood sugar decreases, so will my neuropathy. &


December 18, 2012


Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 1:55 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

fbg 107 a bit high today, no wonder after having chocolates (hershey kisses) before bed. I haven't done that in about a year. Eating b/c bed I have, but never chocolate. Now I have put off induction until after New Years...I know going on it will cause me to freakout, and eat everything in sight. I have already hit my carbs for the day and it's only 2. I started off with a lot of will power remembering how strong I was last year at this time, but I have lost my mojo. I think the sa


December 17, 2012

Considering starting induction tomorrow...

Monday, December 17, 2012 at 9:09 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

fbg-95 weight up from indulgent wknd. Tomorrow I may try to start induction of Atkins again. That is what kick started my initial weight loss a year ago. It will mean low carb recipes, watching close and counting carbs, and being extremely careful about protein/fat...too many people use Atkins as a way to pig out on burgers and bacon...I am not a big meat eater anyway so it's no big deal to me, my prob is the sugar/carb/bread/sweets/cracker/cookie deal. The best low carb option, althou


December 15, 2012

Blood sugar higher this A.M.

Saturday, December 15, 2012 at 7:26 AM filed under General postings

fbg-111 Weight same...eating too many bread carbs caused the elevation. I got on the bike right away. Only did 15 minutes, but did many reps with hand weights simultaneously. I think that boosts up the metabolism. I still have the foot pain, which is just part of my I deal with it. Saddened and sickened by the nihilistic, and self centered behavior of these wild gunmen psychos. They should just make it easy and kill themselves, first, instead of taking all those little children o

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Last comment by catsmew on 12/16/2012 7:53 PM

December 12, 2012

Cutting Simple Carbohydrates for Weight Loss

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 7:40 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

Choose high-fiber carbohydrates that are packed with essential nutrients. Cut back on your consumption of refined, processed foods with added sugar, but don't limit complex carbs -- eat vegetables, fruits, legum


December 9, 2012

Back to basics?

Sunday, December 9, 2012 at 7:09 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

fbg-95 Weight up. Well, what's the problem? Why don't I just do what I did to lose the first mess of weight? Well, b/c my body may not respond the same way. I don't think I can muster the strength to get back off the carbs now that I have built them back into my diet plan. I have also been reading a lot about how important Complex Carbs are in builfing muscle...not just protein, but carbs too. So, cutting them out to low levels may not work with the weight loss the way it did b

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Last comment by catsmew on 12/9/2012 10:52 PM

December 6, 2012

Birthday challenge

Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 5:12 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

fbg 83 today, it was all the activity and exercise I am convinced that diet is only 1/2 the equation. I knew my sugar was going to be lower today...however, I am a bit dismayed that I was lured into eating a fish sandwich of which none of the nutrition info was provided. I didn't think it would be much different than a mcd's filet, but boy, it was, way more carbs...67 vs. 38-and the sodium really upset me. It was 1480!!! That is almost my whole daily allowance. I was flabbergasted


December 5, 2012

Living in a Pancake Paradise...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at 8:03 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

FBG-91 nice number! Weight same. Thinking of the Coolio song-gave me this title. I guess I must have pancakes as part of my meal plan. If I don't I end up craving pastries, and cookies, etc. Pancakes are just glorified pastries I guess. But there is something about them, I guess it's a form of comfort food. Using way less unsalted butter and LITE syrup helps. I find I am more satisfied by having some of my heaviest carbs earlier in the day, but I know this isn't the best way to

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Last comment by catsmew on 12/6/2012 11:47 PM

December 4, 2012

Getting back to biz

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 7:29 AM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

FBG to get that number down again. I wan't to be in the 70's or 80's on a fast. I have been eating cereal for dinner this past weekend and week. My hub is getting high readings in the morning, he has been walking every morning out in the dark about 5am daily. I can't muster the energy at that hour. Eating a relatively light dinner is better for us, but I am wondering if we shouldn't have just some egg whites instead. The carbs may be having ill effects on

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Last comment by catsmew on 12/5/2012 12:33 AM
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