Considering starting induction tomorrow...
Monday, December 17, 2012 at 9:09 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
fbg-95 weight up from indulgent wknd. Tomorrow I may try to start induction of Atkins again. That is what kick started my initial weight loss a year ago. It will mean low carb recipes, watching close and counting carbs, and being extremely careful about protein/fat...too many people use Atkins as a way to pig out on burgers and bacon...I am not a big meat eater anyway so it's no big deal to me, my prob is the sugar/carb/bread/sweets/cracker/cookie deal. The best low carb option, although high calorie is almond meal cheesy garlic bites. YUM. I remember making them my first week on low carb and they were a taste of heaven in a low carb world. I think I am psyching myself up for this, plus the low carb challenge.