Ahhh...here we go, the first outing with girlfriends tonight. I just keep telling myself over and over again that it will only be protein and salad..protein and salad. I'll also have to say no to alcohol or only 1 drink. I normally don't allow myself to go out for a couuple weeks until I am completely secure about how I am doing. I'm not getting up with the chickens and walking almost 3 miles every morning for no reason.
My mother also wants us to go out for pizza tomorrow night...thankfully they have other things on their menu as well.
Why is everything centered around food?? Family, friends, visits, food, drinks. dinner, lunch, brunch, apps and drinks...what the heck?!
There is no problem with doing any of that but when you finally see that that's how you've gained the wreight. You suddenly wonder why it can't be centered around walking, hiking, biking, parks, swimming...
I guess growing up Italian our entire lives pretty much were centered around food and family and who was going where to eat what. Not that my mother and father didn't have us actively involved in sports, cheerleading and dance. It just always seemed to be centered around DINNER. My mother was overweight most of my life and last year had gastric bypass, thank goodness...I honestly feel like it has saved her life.
Looking back on how my life was centered around food and traditions it's honesly no wonder that my mother got to that point. I just think that I don't want to be in that boat. I want to get as healthy as I can on my own and GET FIT. Losing weight is one thing but I want my body to feel fit and strong on the outside and the inside.
Honestly,writing whatever comes up makes me feel like it's helping. Kind of holds me accountable in some weird way..