About me: My name is Andie and I am who I am.
I am not defined by the clothes I wear or the friends I keep.
I'm not punk, goth, retro, country, redneck or any stereotype in between.
I have surpassed mildly unique by a long shot and march to the beat of my own drum.
I can be seen talking to myself and occasionally answering my own questions because it's the only response that i'll accept.
I know when I am right and I know when I am wrong but getting me to admit the latter is sometimes a task that cannot be conquered.
Most would define me as incorrigible but I am the way I am because life needs a good challenge.
Kisses to the forehead are my weakness and my family is my strength.
There's only room in my heart for one man because one man has consumed it all.
I keep few friends but I like it that way.