January 13, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 10:37 PM filed under Exercise & Fitness postings
It was measurement day today and my trainer and I discovered that Since October 2010 I've lost 13.8% Body Fat and I am so excited about that. One step at a time and this is a huge step for me.
I feel very accomplished and am happy about being in the Fair Column instead of the Poor Column.
January 10, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011 at 2:30 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings
It's January 10th and time to get back on track. I let things get lax the last three weeks with the Holidays going on and my trainer being out and I can feel it.
Today is a new day and today is the day I'm getting back on track.
It's amazing and so huge to see and feel the impact that tracking my food and my workouts play on my results. I'm happy with what I've done since October and with wh